
Drenthe province signs Green Energy Agreement with STERCORE

Drenthe Provincial Executive member Mr. Tjisse Stelpstra signs "Green Energy Agreement" with STERCORE for the first completely circular green gas plant according to the STERCORE process. 

Monday 6 November 2017, in the presence of all project partners, the "Green Energy Agreement" between the Province of Drenthe and STERCORE BV from Hoogeveen was officially signed.

The Province of Drenthe is providing a contribution of € 188,706 to STERCORE for carrying out a feasibility study (costs: € 471,000) into the production of Green Gas from, among others, manure and digestate (fermented biomass).

The plant consists of a number of proven innovative technologies that are cleverly linked. The entire process takes place indoors and under fully controlled conditions. Using the most modern industrial techniques, there is no odour nuisance for the environment.

A unique concept: manure is completely taken out of the manure market and two high-quality end products are produced. No residue or waste. The end products are Green Gas and high-quality Bio-Based Carbon. This can be sold at home and abroad as organic "fertiliser", soil improver, supplementary potting soils and compost improver, among other things. Due to the production process, the carbon is not animal manure according to the legislation.

Interesting facts per local Green Gas plant: Annual production of 20 million m3 Green Gas, reduction of 30 million kilo C02, 185.000 Mton manure from the manure market and more than 4.5 million kilo phosphate from Dutch agriculture!

ondertekenaars groene fabriek

PHOTO: from left to right: Sander Meilof of Recycling Westerveld - Bouke v.d. Velde of Gasunie New Energy - Ben Oudman of DNV-GL - Tjisse Stelpstra, member of the Provincial Executive of Drenthe - Hans Jansen of STERCORE - Tjerk Jansma of EnTrance - Richard Kusters of Solution2Nature - Machiel van Steenis of Energy Valley - Harm Vlap of DNV-GL - Jan Hendrik Annema of Gas Terra and Eddy Veenstra of NV RENDO

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