Converting manure into green gas and Bio-Based Carbon without any harmful emissions. The Drenthe-based company STERCORE B.V. is breaking the deadlock on the nitrogen issue with its innovative techniques. Last Thursday, the Province of Drenthe granted the final permit for the construction of an innovative manure gasification plant in Emmen.
Director Hans Jansen: “Manure is not a problem, it is a solution”.
Good for the climate, good for livestock farmers, good for the vegetable sector, good for our sustainable energy production and good for local employment. The technique developed and put together by Richard Kusters to extract green gas and Bio-Based Carbon from manure without any harmful emissions has many advantages. The technique devised by the technical director of STERCORE seems to be the egg of Columbus in the nitrogen impasse.
Sustainability pioneer
Despite the purely positive effects, the Province of Drenthe did not rush to grant the sustainability pioneer a permit. Why did the permit take so long? Director Hans Jansen: “Our innovative way of working is so new that our initiative cannot be tested. Existing calculation models only used data from fermentation installations and natural gas-fired installations. A sustainable electrical installation simply doesn’t exist yet.”
Final permit
Positive, that was the verdict of the Province of Drenthe after extensive research into the company’s innovative manure processing techniques: on Thursday 6 February 2021, STERCORE received the green light to build the first green gas factory in Emmen. The factory, which will employ around forty people, will run mainly on sustainably generated electrical power and, on the factory’s own initiative, will be equipped with a nitrogen measurement plant.
More sustainable agriculture and horticulture
With its innovative techniques and products, STERCORE is contributing to more sustainable agriculture and horticulture, explains Hans Jansen. “In the medium term, we foresee the manure market changing from a supply market to a demand market. In our business model, we have already calculated that in the future we will have to pay for manure. This is a positive development, which means that manure fraud will disappear and livestock farmers can implement emission-reducing measures on the farm with manure as a new source of income.”
High-quality organic fertiliser substitute
STERCORE also contributes to the sustainability of agriculture and horticulture by producing Bio-Based Carbon on an industrial scale. A high-grade organic fertiliser substitute and soil improver. Jansen: “It is now also feasible for deregulated farmers and horticulturists to opt for sustainable initiatives. For the supply of the manure, STERCORE works closely with contracting firm Meilofin Smilde.
Green gas for 24,000 households
This year, the construction of the first green gas plant in Emmen will start; production will commence after about two years. In the future, over 24,000 households will be able to benefit from the green gas produced by STERCORE. Hans Jansen: “Obtaining the necessary permits recognises that we are making a super-clean contribution to the major challenges. Think of green gas for regional households, less artificial fertiliser and the pure processing of natural minerals. In other words, a benefit for households, cattle farmers and the environment!